Updated: 9/6/04; 9:59:37 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I found this gaming system survey on Valve's "Steam" software distribution site. It's pretty fascinating. I find it interesting that people seem to do a better job of getting a faster CPU (the bump is in the 1.5 to 3GHz range) than getting a faster GPU (the GeForce MX is at the top of the list, along with the good but "aging" GeForce 4). Actually, I'm being unfair; these cards make up less than half of the cards reported -- I think it's more reasonable to say that there's a lot of diversity in the high end cards that are out there.

I do also find it weird how many people have less than 256MB of RAM; upping your fast memory (RAM & VRAM) goes a long way in terms of bang for buck.

The Intel vs AMD counts are pretty close, which must make Intel sad :).

Finally, what's with the weird spike of 60% of folks running at 16bpp? What is this, the late '90s? Geez. Why don't y'all check out a real color depth and enter the 21st century already? (Snark snark.)  1:47:59 PM  (comments []  

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