Updated: 7/2/05; 1:13:57 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Monday, June 6, 2005

Carrie suggested -- as a joke -- that we make a papier-maché Death Star for Dylan's birthday party on Sunday. She forgot who she was dealing with:

Sadly, due to my crochety introvertism, I didn't participate in the creation of that fully functional battle piñata, but I was duly impressed with it. Also, Dylan's party marked the first use of our new house as a party space, and I think all agreed that it functioned admirably in that regard. Carrie's layout lent itself to multiple spontaneous conversation points, good flow, and many compliments on her choice of color schemes and furniture. Yay!  10:01:09 AM  (comments []  

June 2005
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Last update: 7/2/05; 1:13:57 AM.