Updated: 11/1/05; 2:53:56 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Thursday, October 13, 2005

We were watching Veronica Mars tonight (episode 25, "Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang"), and in the first few minutes of the show, a guy's giving a presentation to a class. I look up and notice what looks like Mosaic Flip, and I start watching more carefully -- and sure enough, there's Page Flip, Grid, and Cube. Later on, we get another look at Pop and Drop. Why yes -- they were using Keynote to drive the in-show presentation. I guess the Veronica Mars guys like Apple (an iPod Shuffle also makes a prominent appearance as a plot point, and PowerBooks are all over the place).

Carrie can attest to my delight -- it's kind of like I was virtually on TV.  1:15:01 AM  (comments []  

October 2005
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Last update: 11/1/05; 2:53:56 PM.