Dear Battlestar Galactica:
You aren't a cop show. You aren't The West Wing. You aren't a Tarantino movie. You're a show with great space battles, interesting characters, and enough politics & religion to keep things spicy. So stop phoning in season 2.5 already, dammit.
Also, there's a particular thing role that gets filled and then... unfilled on an ep-by-ep basis. Can we cut that shit out already? You're jumping the shark!
Also also, if the damn space pilots wear vac suits... wouldn't the engineers, especially if you're at battle stations? I mean <GOB>COME ON!</GOB>*
* Also, watch Arrested Development already. It's cancelled for real now, so it'll be easy to catch up.
I loved the first season and the first half of the second, but I totally agree that these episodes have been sub-par, although I think it may be heading towards an interesting end-of-season story. We've just got too much setup right now.
Posted by: unwiredben | February 20, 2006 03:54 PM