The Lego Store at the Mall of America
We had some time on Monday before our flight out of the Twin Cities, so we went to an ur-greasy spoon that runs out of an old railroad car: Mickey's Diner. I didn't quite grasp that if you wanted veggies on your burger, you had to order it wussy "California Style," but it was still quite delicious.
Then we attempted to go the Minnehaha Falls, but they turn out to be a popular destination on Labor Day, and there was no parking to be found. So, with terror held in our hearts, we approached something that was -- in fact -- no moon, but rather the Mall (all-all-all) of America (erica-erica-erica).
Fun fact: From the outside it doesn't look so big. What makes it terrifying is the density inside -- four levels and lots of replication. The core is taken up with, no joke, an amusement park:
...but we didn't come for that. We came for the Lego Store, which is both a hoot AND a holler, which I'm sure you'll all be delighted to learn.
I've got the rest of the pictures up on Flickr in a set for your enjoyment, as well.