Mass Effect for PC
I've been replaying Mass Effect on the PC; I'm almost caught up to my XBox 360 save.
Misc notes:
* It's amazing how I'm pretty much playing the game in the same order. I wasn't even able to successfully make a different looking character. I'm not sure what that means. I'll probably try it again later as a Renegade, though -- hopefully that'll help me mix it up some.
* I had vowed to not to do the side-quest planet missions; this is a vow I did not keep. Now that I'm almost up to where I was, though, I'm remembering *why* I made the vow. I'd thought it was because I found the travel & quest log system irritating. These turns out to be minor inconveniences. What wears on you is yet another planet where you have to listen to your buggy go "wrrrrrrr" while you try to get over this really large mountain that your FREAKING SPACESHIP could have dropped you on THE OTHER SIDE OF.
* And then, once you get over the mountain, you get to either see the Cave Dungeon, the Installation Dungeon, or the Spaceship Dungeon. Seriously, guys -- 5-6 more stock dungeons for your side quests wouldn't have killed you.
On the plus side, the PC combat is more fun than the XBox combat, if for no other reason then you can hotkey abilities and not be pausing all the time. Also, the load times are way better, and I'm not in constant fear that the XBox will decide to stop reading my disc and effectively lose my progress.
I need to remember to make a sniper/tech class next time though.
I'm definitely digging it as much the second time through, though -- I think I might actually finish it this time.
Just sayin' hi! Your sweetie put the link to your blog on her LJ, and I added you to my Google Reader. See ya around!
Posted by: Anjea
June 25, 2008 06:01 PM