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Solving the phone problem

As much as I love our house, it has one critical problem -- only two rooms in the entire house have hard phone lines. I've had Vonage for a while now, but the voice quality sucks for whatever reason. The few times I've used voice over iChat, it's been fine.

My cell phone, regrettably, is a crap shoot at the moment. I like to use it, but I seem to be on the edge of 3G service here, and I hate toggling on and off the 3G support.

So. I need a solution where I can use the USB headset plugged into my desktop computer to get and receive phone calls, with good audio quality. It needs to work on a Mac. Optionally, it should allow me to port over my Vonage phone #.

My first thought was Skype, but poking around their site, I couldn't find a way to port an old number. Heck, I couldn't even find Austin in their bewildering drop down list of available area codes, which seem to be a greatest hits of small towns that aren't fully using their number space.

Vonage has something called a "SoftPhone," but my understanding is I have to have a second phone # in addition to the "land line" supported by my Vonage hardware box. This, if I may be so bold, is incredibly stupid.

So, has anyone else tried to solve this problem, and have you found a solution you like?


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I haven't found anything online that works even as well as Vonage. Best bet I can think of is forwarding your "hard" line to a soft one.

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