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a-kon: heroines panel

image1623819418.jpgPanelists: Lee Martindale, Jody Lynn Nye, Melanie Fletcher, Lynn Abbey

Raw notes

LA: story about how she got a chance to talk to rowena, the cover artist, jim baen calls, they're getting a new cover don't want anyone to see

In 1978 they were worried about publishing a fantasy novel under a woman's name. Anne mccaffrey was the first feminine name published. Cj cherryh -- h was added, but had to use initials.

LM: such a pretty face -- anthology featuring larger folks -- but cover wasn't a fat person, it was a pregnant woman, had to explain why this was different to the editor

Star wars -- opened up the idea you could make money off of sci fi AND fantasy

There's been a shift in editors - used to be exclusively male; now a lot of female editors.

LA: tries to have two of everything to try to avoid feeling like a character is a stereotype

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