Christmas at the Ranch
Here are more shots from Carrie's grandmother's ranch, which is just outside of Robert Lee, Texas. It's a nice five hour drive from Austin, mostly through the hill country. The ranch itself is in the desert, and kind of reminds me of some of my trips to eastern Oregon in my youth.
Here's the ranch house:
Here's some scenery, mostly shot from on top of Goat Mountain, a nearby mesa. You can probably see for a good forty or fifty miles up there. (Update: Carries sez you can see almost eighty miles.)
On Thursday, we all pitched in and built a shooting bench, which was a fun project. It was a bit of a departure for me, since I don't really shoot or hunt, and I spend my time building software, not carpentry. I marshalled my geek skills in inventory management and sketching, and tracked the lumber peices and how everything fit together.
Lowell (my father-in-law) got a snazzy Nikon D100 SLR digital camera for Christmas, and I spent some time playing with it. I really enjoyed having the ability to get really clear closeups, with well controlled depth of field (which is hard to get when looking at the LCD panel of my otherwise awesome Canon G1). It's definitely more bulky, but I found myself drooling over it nonetheless. Happily, Lowell seems more than happy to lend it out so I may find myself lugging it on future trips :).
This is my niece Alanna, who is too adorable for words.
I was thwarted in my attempts to capture the spectacular sunsets, since there were no clouds last night, but here's a nice shot I did get from that evening's endeavors:
The trip was a lot of fun, although I started to get antsy from my lack of Internet connection, as you can see from my spastic and reflexive posting of all these pictures almost first thing upon returning to civilization. 10:52:22 PM ()