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ology.org -> writings -> Paris 1997 Travelogue

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The following gargoyle picture is my favorite, for tolerably obvious reasons:

Look out! Gargoyle attack!

They're not all disfigured souls up here

Dushyanth and the gargoyles

The other sight I wanted to see was the Beaubourg, which is the modern art museum. Sadly, it was closed (I think for renovation, or it may have just been a seasonal closure). Still, the exterior was pretty darn cool:

Eric at the Beaubourg

You can see some of what's cool in this picture: the exposed pipes, the escalator/intestine thing going on, the giant tipi and funnels (in the left part of the picture), and just a general vibe of funkiness. I look forward to going back when it's open.

Next: final thoughts

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