Updated: 11/2/03; 11:06:50 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

This seems like it oversimplifies the glass ceiling phenomenon, but it's still an interesting perspective: Nice Girls Don't Ask [Motley Fool].

Update: First off, I really meant "wage gap." Oops.

Also, there's interesting additional material in the comments: Betsy points to Ampersand's The Wage Gap Series, and Skye nicely sums up the confused narrative structure of the Motley Fool article.  4:37:02 PM  (comments []  

This is so far unbelievably beyond grotesque it defies description: Governor to decide coma woman's fate [BBC]. This is a cruel slap in the face to that poor woman's husband.  4:35:51 PM  (comments []  

Boycott Taco Bell.

From an e-mail (no link, and the RFK CHR website doesn't have any press releases later than 2002 that I could find, which seems more indicative of stale website than of a bogus e-mail):

Washington, DC - The Robert F. Kennedy Memorial (RFK) Center for Human Rights (CHR) has selected Julia Gabriel, Lucas Benitez, and Romeo Ramirez, three leaders of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), to receive the prestigious 2003 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award.

Through their work, Ms. Gabriel, Mr. Benitez, and Mr. Ramirez have helped liberate over a thousand workers held against their will by employers using violence -- beatings, pistol whippings, and shootings -- and the threat of violence. Ms. Gabriel herself is a former captive worker who escaped form a 400-worker slavery ring that operated in the fields of South Carolina and Florida. With the assistance of the CIW, Ms. Gabriel successfully helped prosecute and put her employer behind bars.

  12:26:03 PM  (comments []  

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