I am once again oh-so-briefly in Skynet-occupied territory, to confer with my confreres in the resistance. Happily, my catapult was correctly aimed at the part of the state that completely fails to be on fire. I celebrated with the traditional Six Dollar Burger, although my gut will probably be relieved to hear that the attraction is growing thin.
I hadn't realized this when I made plans for this trip, but the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference 2003 is this week, and naught but a hop skip and a jump away from me. So it's very likely I'll be getting a day pass for Wednesday, to do a little professional sightseeing of people giving talks with presentation programs. On the vanishing chance that I have a reader who will also be there, lemme know.
Update: Never mind, schedule filled up with other internal stuff anyway. Bummer. 9:46:49 PM ()