Updated: 11/2/03; 11:06:56 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Monday, October 27, 2003

Gizmodo: The Knee Defender.

I may have to get one of these. When you push your seat back, you gain a few degrees of back rest, but I lose the ability to use my laptop and my knees get bashed. I feel fairly comfortable in asserting that the extra comfort you gain is miniscule in comparison to the extra discomfort I gain.

Sometimes I manage to wedge my laptop in before the jackass in front of me reclines his seat, which is one of those cases where the titanium casing really shines. But I still can't actually use the keyboard in that case; I can barely watch a DVD. And let's face it, being trapped on a plane is bad enough without the ability to mindlessly vegetate escapistly.  4:46:04 PM  (comments []  

October 2003
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