Updated: 12/3/03; 10:04:35 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Saturday, November 8, 2003

Somehow I managed to not play any of the Rainbow Six series up until yesterday, when I picked up Rainbox Six 3 for the XBox. The XBox version winnows out a lot of the complexity that put me off in the demo, in favor a single squad and no advance planning, but retains the ability to issue commands to be executed when a later go-code is issued. This allows you to set up pincer attacks relatively easily.

I'm loving it so far; like Thief, it gives you maps with multiple routes, and a set of tools that you can apply in interesting ways to solve problems innovatively. Plus, you can use the audio headset that comes with XBox Live to hear orders from your teammates (which adds a whole new dimension when used in conjunction with surround sound). You can even use it to issue orders, although the recognition isn't quite good enough to make it anything other than a novelty -- using the command key is still quicker and more accurate.  7:12:13 PM  (comments []  

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Last update: 12/3/03; 10:04:35 AM.