Sunday, November 16, 2003
I have a craving for tacos. What are the best taco joints in Austin? Discuss. 10:58:40 PM ()
No, really, it's the last fantasy.
My fellow dorks pointed out at our Saturday night D&D session (three point five FOREVER baby) that Final Fantasy X-2 comes out this week. And I haven't even finished FFX. So I put in six more hours. Now I've finally hit those key points that I always manage to hit in a Final Fantasy, even if I don't finish it: I met Cid, and I got to the Airship. YAYYYYY! 10:58:02 PM ()
Attn Matrix fanthings:
"It is time to set the record straight – Keanu Reeves is more intelligent than he lets on. While most of us were (or still are) scratching our heads over The Architect’s speech at the end of The Matrix Reloaded, Reeves thought it a challenging concept. Ergo, he knew then, it was a crucial scene in the trilogy.
During a 15-minute interview with Reeves in Sydney he tells how he found the three books – Simulcra and Simulation, Out of Control and Evolutionary Psychology (which he was asked to read by the Wachowski brothers before playing Thomas Anderson a.k.a. Neo a.k.a. The One in The Matrix trilogy) to be helpful in different ways." —The Star (Malaysia) [via Follow Me Here...]
I admit it. I'm an addict. Time to add those three books to my reading list.
I already picked up The Hero With a Thousand Faces, to maybe make a little more sense of the parallels in the Matrices and earlier films cough star wars cough. 10:52:53 PM ()
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