Updated: 12/3/03; 10:04:37 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

After most of a week to process, I re-watched The Matrix Revolutions tonight. And y'know what? It sat a lot better with me the second time. I picked up on a lot of detail in the first half I'd missed the previous time through, and I was able to appreciate all of the little echoes and payoffs (to wit: Zion's rave versus the one in Hell). And I noticed that the name of big basso guy's character in the credits (near the end; you know who I mean) is pretty darn funny.

I had plenty o' theories and plenty o' expectations, and by gum, those Wachowski brothers failed to follow up on any of them. And once I got past the disappointment of that (and started to notice the details I'd missed before), I realized that -- like Reloaded -- Revolutions is the kind of movie I want to watch. It's an action film made by geeks with love in their heart and subversion on their mind. And I say go team!  9:17:44 PM  (comments []  

Somehow I think this isn't the story they wanted this firing to generate: Kerry Dismisses Campaign Chief.

Flailing much? A little too painfully close to the 2000-era Gore flailing. Note to Kerry: we're looking for actual fire and openness, not stage-managed faux veritas.  9:13:00 PM  (comments []  

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