Updated: 1/3/04; 2:02:59 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

"Much has been written about an accelerated primary schedule that produces a party's choice ever earlier. Forty years ago, primaries stretched from March to June, giving voters across the USA time to assess those seeking the presidency. But as more states have tried to influence the race by holding contests earlier, the primaries have been jammed into a shrinking calendar." [USA Today via Scripting News].

Maybe you're living in a different world than I am, but this campaign is hardly abbreviated. We've all had the better part of a year to assess most of these candidates, and the difference between a two month and a four month long primary season isn't going to impact the ability of a voter to get educated. We've had countless debates, news coverage, and a multiverse of web feeds and blogs. The main thing a long primary season does it lessen the importance of voters in states that vote at the end of the season, because the chances are higher that they'll make no difference.

Oh wait, you ARE living in a different world: you're USA Today.  11:48:15 AM  (comments []  

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