Hope you all had / are having / will continue to have happy holidays. We had a lovely Christmas yesterday, replete with tree, loot, and the watching of much of the dorky extras on the Two Towers: Extended Edition DVD set. Then we watched the first disc of FOTR:EE, and I paused frequently and said "this is interesting, because in the book..." and in the spirit of Christmas, no one threw anything at me and asked me please unpause the movie.
I never actually followed up on Deus Ex: Invisible War, because after I finished I started playing Beyond Good & Evil and was waiting to finish that so I could write up a comparative post. But I haven't found time yet, so I'll say: DX:IW rocked. BG&E rocked. You should definitely be playing BG&E if you enjoyed the gameplay of Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. It features conspiracies, stealth, and non-gratuitous use of a camera.
You should also download the Arx Fatalis demo if you liked Morrowind. I'm about to venture out in search of a full copy. I don't know how I missed this last year, but I'm kind of glad I did, because -- Daggerfall-style -- they've had a full year to issue patches and fix bugs, so that I can appreciate it as the polished confection it apparently now is. I only noticed it because it just came out for the XBox, and I woke up Tuesday morning with the strangest urge to crawl... in dungeons! 8:58:49 AM ()