Updated: 2/6/04; 2:18:27 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Friday, January 9, 2004

More on Howard Dean's Ninjonics.  9:41:48 AM  (comments []  

More on PVRs on laptops: Boing Boing points us to MythTV, a Linux-based PVR system. Now I'm curious to go buy and set up an eentsy-weentsy linux box to try this sucker out.

P.S. MythTV seems like the exception to the rule that open source UIs suck. Although, in fairness, they're clearly taking a page from TiVo for the design language.

P.P.S. Of course, if I want a way to get video on to my Mac, I shouldn't ignore the EyeTV.  9:09:13 AM  (comments []  

This is just getting out of control

From a spam just received "It doesnt take loamsterdamng to get a loalumning one". Is loamsterdamng:

  • Where loam gets together to form e-communities?
  • The great battle of dirt at the end of time itself?
  • The traditional enemy of the lobstrosity?
  • An earthy expression, LITERALLY!?

Ayie!  8:57:19 AM  (comments []  

Gizmodo reports on a bunch of interesting TiVo news including TivoToGo. I don't mind the dongle, but I do hope that OS X support if forthcoming. If they don't think dorks with Macs aren't a core part of their customer base, they should redo their marketing data.

Also, the fact that the first hi-def TiVo will be for DirecTV would be enough to cause me to ditch Time Warner Cable -- except that DSL isn't available in my apartment complex. Ah, the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune!  8:54:19 AM  (comments []  

January 2004
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