Updated: 3/1/04; 12:23:20 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Friday, February 6, 2004

OK, Howard, I feel a little better now that you're giving me some Keynote love. Best of luck next week!  2:19:43 PM  (comments []  

I got invited onto Orkut. I don't know what to think of it, and I've avoided Friendster and the like in the past, but for some reason the "you can't join without being invited" part of this one has been bugging me. So now I'm freaking out a little and inviting lots of people from my address book. Do what you will with it, no skin off my nose if you DECLARE ME TO NOT BE YOUR FRIEND. :)

And if you're like "hey, what!? where's my invite?" then I probably just skipped over you in the address book sweep.

Not sure what the heck I think of it yet, but I have a bad attitude this afternoon and am easily distracted.  2:11:08 PM  (comments []  

February 2004
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Jan   Mar

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Last update: 3/1/04; 12:23:20 PM.