The new Bond Game, Everything or Nothing, is simultaneously brilliant and infuriating. It makes it straightforward to do things like carry out firefights while taking cover behind walls, sneak up behind baddies and take them out, and race around in your crazy Bond cards and use your crazy Bond gadgets. It even has a notion of Bond moments: take out the comms tower with a placed shot to nearby explosive? Just like Bond would do! Extra points for you.
On the other hand, you can only save at the end of each mission, and only some missions have halfway checkpoints. So, despite the fact that I was totally kickin' ass like a ninja and had almost gotten back to the end, I got mowed down because I could target anyone from behind a wall correctly. So now I have to redo all that again.
Maybe tomorrow. It is, after all another day. Or never dies. Or never says tomorrow again. Or tomorrowfinger. Or something. 6:44:58 PM ()