Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Dead or Alive 3 + Prince of Persia + Fist of the North Star == Ninja Gaiden.
Which is a good thing. Except for the part where the regularly occurring boss battles kick my sorry lazy "gamer" ass. I'd get discouraged if it wasn't so goddamn cool. 5:22:51 PM ()
Sam & Max Sequel Axed [Blue's News].
Sam: "If you are upset, Max, I don't think you should suppress it."
Max: "Hey, man! I think you're NOT GOOD! I'll NEVER be your BEST FRIEND!"
Sam: "Ooh, you're a scary bunny."
-- Sam & Max, the Freelance Police
[via The Quoted Sam & Max] 1:23:07 PM ()
Dear ology dot org e-mail users: if you get some kind of crazy e-mail saying that your mail service is going to be suspended or interrupted, and it claims to by from ology dot org administration, you can freely ignore it. It's a virus. Pretend that it's like that bit of David Warner in the microwave at the end of Time Bandits. 9:55:01 AM ()