Updated: 6/1/02; 7:58:14 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

In Slashdot: The Empire Stumbles

Jon Katz blows steam about how Star Wars is being unseated by a newer, fresher story. That'd be the story of Spider Man, first introduced in 1962.  9:44:35 PM    

Check out the crazy shit that my brother Chris works on. The Jim Fawks audio sketch (which is a parody of a parody) has moments of brilliance in it.

Also, his take on the wedding weekend.  12:48:08 PM    

#insert <stdgoddamnuselesswhiningabouthowIamgoingtopostmorefrequently.h>


Life is feeling more relaxed now. Our wedding was amazing and beautiful and perfect and my fairy-tale princess and I are now living happily ever after. After the wedding we spent a week in Fredericksburg, and felt like there was nothing in the world except us, beautiful countryside, and lots of hella good wine. Mmmm mm!

Since I don't actually know how to be that relaxed, I started to get antsy by Friday -- but then again, that was the day we were going home, so I guess I timed it perfectly. This gave me about 48 hours to spend in the "dork cave" before flying to Pittsburgh for a week, thrown back into work. However, we discovered on Tuesday that the pressure had been loosened by fiat, so we've gone back from sprinting to merely running that marathon. Which is very nice, although it means any enigmatic dates I may or may not have waggled my eyebrows toward should now be adjusted appropriately.

Once we get the negatives from the photographer (and isn't that cool?) I'll get them scanned to Photo CD and put them up here for your perusal. We'll figure out a way for people to order the copies they want via der Web; vive la dorkiness!

Picture explosion

The best damn wine bar ever:

What it's like to wake up in time for sunrise (instead of having been awake all night first):

Enchanted Rock State Park:

More in & around Fredericksburgh and our B&B:

Even a few shots from Pittsburgh -- there are a few interesting pieces of old equipment laying around the otherwise overdeveloped Waterfront area down in Homestead:

  12:07:50 PM    

May 2002
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Last update: 6/1/02; 7:58:14 PM.