Updated: 6/1/02; 7:58:16 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

In preparation for the trip to Pittsburgh, I obtained Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis. This movie is "based on" the original Fritz Lang's classic, but only in terms of visual style. It's a beautiful, beautiful animated movie with a very distinctive visual style -- a kind of Tintin dystopia, if you will. See it.

I also obtained Jin-Roh, which is also beautiful and fascinating, but not quite so epicly. I was slightly disappointed with Jon-Roh, because Ghost in the Shell (also from some of the same folks) is such an amazingly illustrated work. Jin-Roh felt like a bit of a step back in terms of visual power.

Finally, I picked up Vampire Hunter D; unfortunately, what I thought I was picking up was Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. I remember picking up the correct box, and then the wrong box, and thinking, "oh, look, the special edition is only $2 more. I guess I'll get that instead." Whoops.  2:24:51 PM    

From the NYTimes: W.'s Spaghetti Western.

After NBC's David Gregory asked Mr. Chirac, who speaks English, in French if he would like to comment on a question he'd asked Mr. Bush about Europe's view of America as imperious, Mr. Bush had a petit fit.

"Very good, the guy memorizes four words, and he plays like he's intercontinental," he said sarcastically as a bemused Mr. Chirac looked on. "I'm impressed. Que bueno. Now I'm literate in two languages." Mr. Bush did not care that foreign reporters usually ask him questions in English, or that he often sprinkles Spanish into his speeches with Hispanic groups.

I found this via The Goofball in Chief, which also talks about Bush's Brazillian gaffe (on Tom Tomorrow's badass "This Modern World" blog).  12:11:48 PM    

May 2002
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