Updated: 9/1/02; 9:18:35 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Tuesday, August 6, 2002

Ah, sweet vasodilator.

This is turning out to be a tension headache week, and as always, one of the tensions is how much caffeine to guzzle to keep the edge of the headaches, without the "unable to sleep all night long" side effect.

Must... hack... must... reduce... source of stress...  1:01:36 PM  (comments []  

Here's the Laptrap, an interesting laptop sleeve that folds into a portable mobile workspace. It fits the Titanium PowerBook G4, and may well help insulate your toasty thighs from the manly power thrumming from within the dread device.  12:50:24 PM  (comments []  

August 2002
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Last update: 9/1/02; 9:18:35 AM.