Monday, April 14, 2003
I'm continually on the lookout for good games to put on my PowerBook; things suitable for gaming on trips. So this is definitely welcome news:
Dungeon Siege shipping April 25 Destineer's MacSoft unit today announced that the Mac version of Dungeon Siege has reached Gold Master status, is currently in production and will ship on April 25... [ Up-to-the-Minute Apple Mac News]
I actually bought, and did not finish, this game on the PC -- so why would I buy it again on the Mac? I found the game to be more of a light snack then an engaging meal, and by the time I picked it up it was already a pain in the ass to start up the gaming-only PC. So I never found myself interested in playing it enough to actually start up the other machine. However, this is perfect for trips, where I want something I can play for fifteen minutes or for two hours.
I also picked up the Mac version of Fallout 2 yesterday. I played it on the PC years ago, and loved it, but I'd never replayed it. So I figured now was the time.
Update: a few Faithful Readers have gently pointed out that DS is in fact complete crap, and that I've got the ole' rosy colored glasses on. Which is probably true. D'oh! Curse you, Neverwinter Nights for the Mac, will ye never be released? :) (Of course, that link is down right now "for maintenance," so who knows what the future will hold.) 1:19:09 PM ()
US says flag incident was a 'coincidence'.
It was, by any measure, an astonishing coincidence. As the biggest statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad was pulled down "spontaneously" in front of the world's media, the Stars and Stripes which flew on the Pentagon on 11 September was at hand to be draped over its face.
The US army denied that the toppling of the 20ft edifice by a tank tower was stage-managed. It was a coincidence, they said, that Lt Tim McLaughlin, the keeper of that flag, happened to be present.
Do they think we're stupid? Oh, yeah, they do. 11:31:00 AM ()
The new Safari beta is available, and it's totally sweet. The tabbed browsing is the nicest I've seen, and they've also rolled in support for auto-filling forms on web pages into this one (useful for both username/passwords and for filling in details from your personal Address Book entry).
One thing that may be non-obvious for the NetNewsWire crowd is how to get links from NNW to open in tabs in Safari. The answer is to go to the Safari Preferences, and in the General pane, select "Open links from applications in the current window." If you have tabbed browsing enabled, then this will open the links in new tabs instead of reusing the main view. 10:59:53 AM ()
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