Updated: 5/1/03; 10:37:36 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Pale Riders Who Wear Black Hats [Wired]. " In the old days, the good guys wore white. Now Hollywood's villains are turning pale, and real-life albinos are crying foul as movies like The Matrix: Reloaded arrive with a fresh supply of pigment-challenged bad guys."

It's shocking. But who will be brave enough to speak out over the totally unfair preponderance of bald supervillains?  9:05:30 AM  (comments []  

CHEWBACCA!  8:58:17 AM  (comments []  

Fine Quality Humor. Only two dollars.

Carrie was watching Better Off Dead yesterday, and I walked past during the scene where the Jock says something disparaging about Cusack's "Frog Girlfriend."

So, without missing a beat, I say, "I think he means Freedom Girlfriend."

And Carrie responds, "She's a Freedom Exchange Student."

We crack ourselves up. Naturally, I hope this means that somewhere out there there's a high school kid proudly declaring that she's "learning how to speak Freedom."  8:49:18 AM  (comments []  

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