Updated: 5/1/03; 10:37:31 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Monday, April 21, 2003

I've been wanting a Bluetooth cellphone for a while now, so I finally got a T68i. The bluetooth stuff is handy, basically because it means I can leave the phone in my pocket but still synch it. Also, the OS X address book's Bluetooth integration is very nice: I get incoming call/SMS notifications on my desktop screen, and I can use the computer to dial the cell phone.

This is such a cool and useful feature that it makes me yearn even more for what would really be useful, which is a desktop phone with Bluetooth that I could also dial using the address book. I'm so tired of having multiple copies of phone lists on all of the different phones around here.

More review coming later; I've got a big rant simmering. The short version is that the T68i has its high points: nice audio quality (much better than my old Samsung), extremely small, long battery life. But the user interface is a nightmare; some parts of it seem actively hostile. I have no idea how this phone got the high reviews it did; I mainly got it because there was really no other choice if I wanted something to synch to over Bluetooth, and because it cost effectively nothing after rebates. At some later point I'll probably invest in a nicer smartphone, but I wanted to get some experience with this technology (and with GSM/GPRS phones).  1:53:18 PM  (comments []  

April 2003
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