Updated: 5/1/03; 10:37:27 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Clinton blasts our current toddler temper tantrum approach to foreign policy [via FmH]  11:08:13 AM  (comments []  

Dear diary: oh how I want the ambient orb. Or for that matter, this prototype ceiling projection system. (Links stolen from this metafilter discussion.)

Dear diary: for the love of all that's holy, please don't cross the streams of Roy Orbison and cling film.  11:06:02 AM  (comments []  

Gizmodo reports the new Martian NetDrive, which now stores 120 GB of data and boosts USB printer sharing. And, of course, it still has Ethernet and 802.11b connectivity. That's pretty much all of my server needs right there in one <$500 box; these guys are awesome.  10:34:47 AM  (comments []  

April 2003
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Last update: 5/1/03; 10:37:27 AM.