I finally saw Waking Life. I'd had some particularly weird and vivid dreams as I was waking up this morning, so it seemed appropriate to unwrap this movie about dreams from where it had been lurking at the bottom of the TiVo's list of saved content.
Unfortunately, the playful visual imagination demonstrated by the staggering array of different styles of animation was matched equally by the ponderous drudgery of the passionless info-dumps of philosophy that make up the bulk of the dialogue. The character popped and shimmered and subtly recapitulated their words visually in diverse and inventive ways. But the words themselves lacked any spark to match that inventiveness; the voice talent felt like it was phoned in.
In a way, the movie covers the same territory that The Matrix Reloaded does. Except that now the conversation with the Oracle is the entire movie, and no attempt whatsoever is made to connect it to anything.
But having griped, I'm glad I saw it. It covered some interesting territory, and it did manage to capture the feeling of a dream. There was enough to the dialogue to keep me engaged, but more importantly, it was visually stunning and worth just watching more than once. 12:47:38 PM ()