Monday, June 30, 2003
Oh, and, uh, yeah. Harry Potter: Irritated For Great Justice destroyed all of the rest of my leisure time this weekend. That bastard! OK, JK, don't leave us hanging, get us hooked up with years 6 and 7 and then get cracking on Harry Potter: The Grown Up Adventures, Hermione Granger: Academic Avenger, and Ginny Weasley: Finally Talking and Pretty Darn Cool.
(P.S. Yes, I loved it. And even though it kept me up until 3AM last night, I wouldn't shorten it at all. However, I did enter a sort of weird hyperspeed skimming state at around 2, which meant there were probably all kinds of interesting details in that final action scene that I passed right over. OH NO. I guess I'll have to read it AGAIN.) 11:42:23 AM ()
This review of 28 Days is pretty spot-on. It was a very interesting flick, but the "abandoned London" parts didn't quite work for me, and the movie turned out to not be at all what I was expecting. It all came together for me at the end, but most of the journey up to that point had me doing more "Where is this going?" then "Ayie!" 11:20:26 AM ()
Ernie Cline has some great geek standup available in MP3 form from his site. Of especial interest are The Geek Wants Out and When I Was a Kid. What the hell are you still doing here? 11:17:33 AM ()
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