Updated: 10/1/03; 11:51:00 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Sunday, September 14, 2003

If I squint, I can pretend I'm doing a cameo in Planetary or Transmet.  9:52:03 PM  (comments []  

  6:02:49 PM  (comments []  

The T68i is a great phone, except for the part where the software is complete shit.

I downloaded a bunch of shitty cameraphone pictures, and somehow managed to fill up the phone's memory doing it. So it said, "Hey, memory is full! AAAAHHHHH! PLEASE DELETE SOMETHING!!!!" Note that it didn't say, "Hey, moving this picture onto your phone will fill up memory, so I'm not going to let you do it." NO. It let me do it. Then it proceeded to freak out and not let me actually delete anything else, because MEMORY WAS FULL so it couldn't actually do anything. Now it's spontaneously resetting, frequently.

However, I tricked it by deleting some themes instead, and now I've managed to get a few pictures off of it. It's still freaking out and resetting, but now I'm thinking maybe it's because the last picture to get offloaded onto the camera is corrupt and is messing with its crummy little head.

Stupid phone.  3:53:28 PM  (comments []  

Adam points out the Top Eleven Strangest Star Wars Action Figures. But what's really strange is that my brothers and I owned nearly all of them.  10:35:35 AM  (comments []  

Keynote Plays Ball with PowerPoint [O'Reilly Mac DevCenter]. I always enjoy a good review :).  10:20:00 AM  (comments []  

September 2003
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