I am totally lovin' on the XBox version of Soul Calibur 2 I picked up yesterday. I played the first game in the arcades a handful of times, and I sucked at it, but I loved it. Remember, this was years ago, when fully 3D models were pretty cool in arcade combat games, but, but, SWORD FIGHTIN'!
SC2 is the first version of this game available for a machine that I actually own (SC1 came out for the Dreamcast a few years ago), and it lives up to my every hope. Each character has a different style of fighting and weapons to employ, and this plays out in the different kinds of attacks. I've been playing mostly as Ivy, because she can turn her sword into this kind of crazy whip. All I'm saying is A+B, A, A, B. That's all.
I also like that you can unlock new characters, costumes, and weapons in the "Weapon Master" mode, which is a story-based sequence of fights. What makes it particularly interesting is that different fights have different conditions (like, you must win via a Ring Out, or you have to worry about wind, or... well, there's a lot of variations). Winning fights gets you gold which you can turn into weapons and other extras. Sometimes, winning fights also unlocks new features or characters in the game. I just unlocked the character who fights with a crazy halberd/bladed quarterstaff thing.
BTW, once I realized Necrid was actually creating weapons on the fly during attacks, I totally flipped out. And I didn't even care. 12:10:51 PM ()