Updated: 9/1/03; 12:42:55 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Friday, August 15, 2003

We went and saw the Blue Man Group's tour last night (preceded by Tracy Bonham and the extremely fun Venus Hum). The show was weird and rockin' simultaneously, and I completely recommend it. In fairness, it drags a bit around the 2/3 mark, because you can never really quite empathize with those bewildered blue guys, but it's a small price to pay for the wonders of the dueling left and right information signs, and learning Rock Concert Movements #1 (the head bob) through #237 (using the shadow and labyrinthine offices as visual metaphors for taking the audience on a dark jungian journey... or something like that). The high concept is that the Blue ones have received a manual on how to be rock stars, and are trying it out. The low concept is THUMP THUMP THUMP WHANG! Ehhhxcellent.

See the Austin American-Statesman's review of the show for more on what you missed, or may yet have a chance to catch.

In the meantime, here are some shitty cameraphone pictures, including a sense of the overwhelming light and thunder:

and a poor rendition of an amazing effect where the Blue ones wore lighted piping while the lights were out, making them look like two-dimensional creatures actively inhabiting (and drumming in) a three-dimensional space:

  9:20:07 AM  (comments []  

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