Updated: 6/2/04; 4:39:02 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Why is the Thief series an inexplicable kiss of death for astonishing groups of clever people? We'd already heard that leads for Deus Ex: Invisible War and Thief: Deadly Shadows had left Ion Storm Austin in the past month or so, but now -- days after the release of T:DS -- we hear that massive layoffs are happening at Ion Storm Austin and that the studio is refocusing to do PS2 games. Auuugh.

This is why I fear I'll never get serious about the gamehaus plan -- nobody actually wants to fund the kinds of games I want to make. And I'm a fair bit away from being to do it myself :).  12:50:53 PM  (comments []  

Skye invited us to Spoken Nerd last night, a production of Austin Poetry Slam. A hi-larious time was had by all. Highlights included Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz and Ernie Cline. It was soooo Airwolf [MP3].  11:48:35 AM  (comments []  

Carrie and I spent three-quarters of an hour yesterday hiking along Bull Creek Trail, which has a trail head a few minutes from our apartment. I look forward to many return visits:

  9:56:32 AM  (comments []  

May 2004
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Last update: 6/2/04; 4:39:02 PM.