Updated: 6/2/04; 4:39:04 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Monday, May 31, 2004

George Lakoff talks smart about why conservatives kick the ass of progressives in the national debate. [Via Scripting News]

In a nutshell, it's because conservatives control how the issues are framed, because they're the only ones bothering to do it. Dear progressives: get the sticks out of your asses and get in the game, because we're losing.

For example, until I read that article, I didn't understand there was an intentional difference between using the term "liberal" and "progressive." OK, I understood there was an intentional difference -- but I didn't understand why. Because -- wait for it -- our message isn't out there.  7:59:31 PM  (comments []  

The Cardinal of Punk Rock:

(Yes, he was that freakishly orange.)  7:18:36 PM  (comments []  

28MM is an interesting online photo magazine. I especially enjoyed the first piece, Organics - Revisited. I also liked that most (all?) of the contributers are also amateur photos :). [Found via PhotographyBLOG, in an entry pointing to another online photo mag I didn't like so much.]

In that same theme, some photos of Iceland with heartbreakingly beautiful colors. [Via the ever sentimental Die Puny Humans]  7:14:26 PM  (comments []  

May 2004
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