Its funny you should mention this quaint bourgeois custom; the Teeming
Masses and I were just discussing it yesterday over coffee. Obviously, the
inevitable forward progress of the historical dialectic as it operates
through my subject position means that I need very little in order to
further the People's Revolution.
So I'm surprised you would ask. Perhaps your own committment to the struggle
has diminished of late? We frankly are all worried, comrade, down here at
the Central Committee. At the next meeting of the Vanguard, we will discuss
the correct Line with you on bourgeois individualism and other important
Yours Incorrigibly for the Revolution,
Wat "Kill Them All" Tyler
Do with this information what you will. I'll be there through Wednesday, Carrie returns more posthaste.
(Hopefully the tasteful light blue background will appear about the quoted text above; my head nearly exploded when I tried to do a little research to figure out how to achieve these kinds of effects again, when I read the "filters" section of this DHTML document. What's wrong with you people!?) 11:56:23 AM ()