Updated: 5/1/04; 4:25:50 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Saturday, April 10, 2004

I'm looking for a portable firewire drive to serve as a complete brain backup for my laptop for when I'm on the road. (Two, really -- one for Carrie's, as well.) Some noodling around on the web gets me:

I don't particularly care about dual USB2/Firewire or Firewire 800; I just want small drives suitable for stashing in luggage that are, respectively, 40 and 80 gigs in size. Faster RPM is always nice, but not crucial. A good comparison of these drives, or other candidates, has so far eluded my Google-Fu, so I turn to you, my geektastic readers. By The Power Of Grayskull!

(I did consider just getting an iPod with massive storage capacity, but I think I'd easily want a 100gig iPod at that point, and sadly, we just don't ship 'em.)  12:28:30 PM  (comments []  

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow's multiplayer is easily the most addictive online game of hide-and-go-seek yet devised by humans. Steve and I started playing at eight, took a forty-five minute break to play some Counter-Strike, and then continued the "just once more" until a few minutes ago. Kevin also joined us for -- uh -- an hour? Two hours? Time loses all meaning when you're a super ninja spy.

I love all the levels of strategy in this game. We spent tonight on the hospital map, which has two major entry points, both of which involving a certain amount of exposure. We kept finding new variants on the two approaches as spies, and then devising counter-strategies to guard against those as mercenaries. The thrill of finally making it to the second floor when Steve's guarding from room 202 -- well, I guess you had to be there.

We also finally really understand the audio sensor indicator for the mercs: the four arrows surrounding the reticle indicate front, back, left and right; and the quarter-circles pointing up and down indiciate, well, up and down. We were really confused by the difference between the up and down arrows and the up and down quarter circles, and the manual has no information. So then the mercs spent an hour ruthlessly running down any noises made by foolish spies. But then the spies figured out how to use alarm snares (that fool the audio sensor, as well as other passive sensors in the various rooms) to good effect, which is: mercs overdependent on audio sensors will go wherever you shoot a noisemaker. So shoot it over there, and then come in over HERE, is what I'm saying.

Every time I play this game, I find something new to love about it. And that several more hours have passed than I expected. Best. Multiplay. EVER.

P.S. See also Penny Arcade's Handy Spy Hints.  1:09:26 AM  (comments []  

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