Updated: 5/1/04; 4:26:22 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Carrie is in DC this weekend, for today's March For Women's Lives, which she helped organize while she was at the Feminist Majority Foundation last summer. My baby's fingernails shine like justice. Here's the Googled news for the event: looks like it's gotten pretty good coverage, and sounds like they'll have a pretty spectacular turnout in the hundreds of thousands.


The Google news link seems to have expired, but news.google.com is still a good source for finding articles, and this is still on the front page. I've been watching the rally live on C-SPAN (there was a brief interruption in the live feed, but it's back now), and they're reporting over a million folks there, and that this is the largest march on Washington ever. Woo!  10:32:37 AM  (comments []  

April 2004
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