Tuesday, April 6, 2004
I am totally digging on USA's Touching Evil. It's put on by The Hughes Brothers, and has the same stylish visuals as From Hell, albeit this time in modern San Francisco. They're into these lush, richly-colored time-elapse sequences that they put in between scenes; fog roiling across the Bay Bridge, cars flowing past, but in a way that just seems much more alive then I've ever seen it done before. Oh yeah, and I like the acting and writing too. 11:16:51 PM ()
More shots from the trip; this time, some of the cool knickknacks (paddywhack!) Doug has in his bachelor pad:

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Internet Bricabrac:
- Ronco Spray-On-Usability [Daring Fireball]. A great counter-rant to the idea that usability is something that can be bolted on to infrastructure. And more thoughts on why free software and usability culturally don't mix well.
- ShareALot [via a NYTimes article] looks like an interesting way to distribute photos to friends and family. I haven't installed it yet, but if there's some interest out there in giving it a try, lemme know. Available for Mac and Windows, baby.
- iBatt 0.2b -- some kind of crazy battery performance monitor that gives more detail than just %ge left. I'll have to try it out next time I'm on a trip.
- TrailBlazer [via MacOSXHints] is an intriguing browser with an alternate navigation scheme. I haven't tried it yet, but it's on the list for when the current fires go out.
- Which New York Times Op-Ed Columnist Are You? [via The Gamer's Nook] I was weirdly pleased that their sophisticated analysis techniques matched up me up with Paul Krugman. 11:12:36 AM ()