Updated: 8/1/02; 10:04:01 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

For years, I've wanted to construct some of kind of joke where the punchline was: "I object! That evidence is immiscible!"

Sadly, I've become resigned to the fact that nobody will ever think this is funny but me.  8:33:56 PM  (comments []  

Conference thoughts:

My butt is really, really sore. They seem to have anti-cushions in every single one of these chairs.

I'm sitting on the floor in the hallway with my PowerBook right now; and I'm not unique in this. There are clumps of laptop users dotted throughout the halls, grabbing wireless access. Many of us haven't even bothered to actually find a chair :).

This is a nice change for the last time I went to a conference (back in 1997), where the 'net access was a crowded room that everyone tried to get into during 30 minute breaks. Wireless rules!  10:43:05 AM  (comments []  

July 2002
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Last update: 8/1/02; 10:04:01 AM.