Updated: 7/3/04; 10:29:48 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Dear Faithful Readers:

I need some purchasing advice. Talk to me about camera tripods. I was over at the local turn-money-into-equipmentry yesterday, and they started yammering about pistol grips and modular heads and Manfrotto. I want something that manages the impossible collision of versatile, cheap, and light :). But I care more about versatile; if push comes to shove, I'd probably be happy with something I could leave in the trunk of my car.

(I'd want something that would work well with a Canon Digital Rebel and a 70-200/4 lens.)

Also, I picked up a 250MB hard drive last month, but have been so busy that I hadn't tried putting into my Firewire enclosure until yesterday. So I was quite sad to discover that my enclosure can only handle drives up to 128MB. I'm given to understand newer enclosures support bigger, so anyone have any advice on good enclosure makers? The FW800 enclosures I found seemed to be up around $120, even mail order, but surely I'm just not looking hard enough. (FW400 is also fine; bus-powered and not completely ungainly also plusses.)

Finally, Pete at least will be interested to know that I finally ordered one of these.

Much thanks,

The mgmt.  7:07:38 PM  (comments []  

To add to the summer exhortations: "RIDDIIIIIICKKKKK!"

In a "word": cheese-tastic. I loved the visual design. I loved the bombast. I loved the stupidly obvious names, like "Helion" and "Furion" and "Crematoria." I even loved the completely ludicrous chase sequence near the end. Everything I hoped for from an over-the-top, out-of-nowhere, space opera fight club.  4:31:50 PM  (comments []  

June 2004
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Last update: 7/3/04; 10:29:48 AM.