Updated: 7/3/04; 10:29:50 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Monday, June 14, 2004

On the tripod issue, psu sez:

You want two cheap things and two expensive things.

The cheap things first

1. Bogen 3001 tripod. If you want a truly life altering experience, after using the Bogen for a while, buy a Gitzo 1228 carbon tripod. It's worth every penny, even though I've never taken mine anywhere because we had Kai right after I bought it.

2. Kaiser *Professional* small ballhead. You want a ballhead. Pan heads suck. Don't let the wankers tell you that you need anything bigger than this. You do not. And, the huge Arca and Kirk heads are HUGE and heavy and I never use mine.

The expensive things are these:

1. An arca style q/r: http://kirkphoto.com/platforms.html

2. A plate for said q/r for the digital rebel.

The q/r stuff will cost you about the same amount of money as the tripod and head, but if you do not buy them you are a fool. What will happen is that it will take so long to take the camera on and off the tripod that you will never use the tripod.


Thanks!  12:42:51 AM  (comments []  

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