Updated: 7/3/04; 10:29:56 AM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Saturday, June 26, 2004

A partial attempt at rectifying the great drought of bird pictures I know you all have been suffering:

OK, OK, that's all for today. No, really.  11:31:31 AM  (comments []  

We've recently finally started to watch the Babylon 5 DVDs; we're about halfway through Season One (right after the show kind of begins to find its stride with Signs and Portents, although, really, c'mon, S1 is only really interesting for backplot).

What I find most striking is that the CG -- revolutionary for its time both in quality & cost -- is now of lesser quality than you could do in real-time on a modern consumer-grade gaming PC.  11:28:42 AM  (comments []  

I finished the two released books (Quicksilver, The Confusion) of Neal Stephenson's three-volume Baroque Cycle and have been of late rereading Cryptonomicon. I hadn't read C in years, so I'd cottoned onto the obvious connections (Shaftoe, Waterhouse, Enoch Root, Qwghlm) but I'm increasingly fascinated by the non-obvious ones. I don't want to spoil nothin', so I'll give a context-free list of the connections that have struck me:

  • References to Leibniz & Newton (and the Leibniz-Archiv!)
  • Mount Eliza and Queenah-Kootah/Kinakutah
  • Foote and the White Sultans
  • Avi's ancestry and Moseh's fate.
  • Gomer Freakin' Bolstrood.
  • And of course the central importance of mysterious gold.

It feels a lot like Stephenson had planned out a lot of the Baroque Cycle even as he was writing Cryptonomicon. Rudy von Hacklheber, when first alluding to the Leibniz-Archiv, says something along the lines of "it's a long story; it could fill a whole book." Or three.

Anyone know of any interviews out there where Stephenson talks about how much planning he did?

P.S. I was initially troubled by the Baroque Cycle, largely because I most enjoy his writing when it's in the "Randy & Avi are crazy modern guys" style. But now that the crazy web of interconnections has set down roots in my brain, I'm totally enthralled. I'll probably be wasting a lot of time on the Quicksilver Metaweb when I finish Cryptonomicon.  11:22:58 AM  (comments []  

Does anyone else find it strange that: Bill Murray portrayed Venkman in the movie Ghostbusters; Lorenzo Music portrayed Venkman in the cartoon. Lorenzo Music also voiced Garfield in the cartoon; now Bill Murray voices that lasagna-lovin' cat in the movie.

(Answer: on the Internet, everyone knows you're a cat.)  11:05:35 AM  (comments []  

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