Updated: 5/3/02; 2:11:19 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Wednesday, April 3, 2002

Godzilla Firewire hub. Duuuuuuuuude. (via boingboing)  12:12:37 PM    

Modified Magazine Covers -- old pulp comic covers with new text added to radically change the meaning... in a cross-dressing kind of way, if you get my drift. Subvertainment. (via BoingBoing)  12:36:44 AM    

Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software (by Sam Williams).

(As referenced in this article on Salon, which discusses how the book is available "open source", but doesn't provide the link.)

I watched Revolution OS on the Sundance channel recently, which is part of why this caught my eye. I've also been rereading a lot of hacker history books: Hackers, Dealers of Lightning, and Insanely Great. I mainly mention this to establish that I have a theme, which is a polite way of saying that I'm obsessive.  12:25:35 AM    

Just found a new feature in Mozilla -- the DOM Inspector (look under Tasks/Tools/DOM Inspector). You can navigate through the DOM tree, and see how it connects up with the rendered HTML. Awesome!

If I actually still did web development, I'd think this was the bee's knees.  12:18:50 AM    

Jedi Knight II continues to rock and roll. The visual feel is... just right. The lightsaber looks awesome; the lightsaber fights look even betters. They spark and hiss and jump just like you'd expect.

From what I've heard, I'm a little over halfway through the game right now. The game size feels pretty healthy; I still seem to be taking around an hour per level, since the levels are expansive in size and riddled with puzzles. Now that I've got force powers, the puzzles have gotten more interesting than just "find the key". In fact, there have even been a few puzzles that had some definite red herrings put in place to distract from the real solution. (Most game puzzles seem to rely on merely having you run down the tube until you find the key; it's nice to have to think a little about what to do next for a change.)  12:17:14 AM    

April 2002
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