Updated: 5/3/02; 2:11:25 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Tuesday, April 9, 2002

Carrie's Tiara

  1:03:02 PM    

The Tilton Roadshow

I haven't seen my brother Doug for for about four years; ever since he joined the Navy. He finally got out on Tuesday (after the Theodore Roosevelt finally came back from the longest... deployment... ever...). He'd always wanted to take a roadtrip across the country after getting out, and he got half of his wish -- he, Dad, & Steph trekked from Norfolk to Austin before flying the rest of the way to California. It was great to see them; especially Doug who has mostly been nothing but an e-mail presence for me for what seems like forever.

So, visual proof, above! Note the "I just got out of the Navy" stubble. Also note that documenting runs in the family; my dad was videotaping stuff the whole time he was here. And yet, strangely, he won't buy a damn iMac to use for editing that footage :).  1:08:31 PM    

April 2002
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Last update: 5/3/02; 2:11:25 PM.