Updated: 5/3/02; 2:11:39 PM.
ology dot org -- Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal

Thursday, April 18, 2002

WeatherPop for Mac OS X is the easiest and most useful weather app I've encountered. In its basic mode, it is perfect -- it just displays the outside weather (and a beautiful, understated little icon indicating conditions) in the menubar.

If you want more information, you can just click on the icon, and you'll get a drop down menu -- the first item on the list tells you what the icon means ("Mostly Cloudy" for me right now) and the current location. Selecting that first item (OK, this was a little counterintuitive) will take you to the Yahoo page with extended forecast info.

The remaining options let you set your location (which you can do via zip code, which I thought was a nice touch), and whether you prefer Celsius or Kelvin.

Cool!  9:57:24 PM    

April 2002
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Last update: 5/3/02; 2:11:39 PM.