Dean for America
OK, one last stop on today's picture-heavy-vacation-recounting edition of ology dot org.
Part of my cultural sightseeing while in DC was to go to the NOW conference's Presidential Candidates' Forum. When Carrie first suggested it, I thought "sounds interesting, but aren't I supposed to be on vacation?" Then I realized that no trip to DC would be complete without engaging in politics.
The forum was great. Four of the Democratic aspirants attended: Carol Moseley Braun, Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich, and Al Sharpton. I've been leaning towards Dean, so it was good for me to hear him speak. And it was everything I needed to hear: he spoke straight, he was passionate (in a sort of geeky way) and he addressed some hard questions without flinching. I'm troubled by his death penalty and gun control stances, but those are frankly small potatoes for me in the grand scheme of things. He actually made me care (I even teared up in his opening statement, that's how much of a dork I am) and that's what I need, goddammit. And it didn't hurt that his answers on the issues were all great, and that he could point to successful programs in Vermont that were executed during his tenure. And that Vermont's budget is one of the few that currently work.
Brief impressions on the other candidates:
Carol Moseley Braun: A very easy charisma and charm. But, as Carrie points out, she went spent waaaay too much time justifying her reason for running. And if you have to justify yourself as a woman running for president at the NOW conference, you have some self confidence issues.
Dennis Kucinich: Very passionate, very idealistic. Which I can respect. But he spent too much time promising us all the ponies and puppies we could want, and attacking the Pentagon budget. He's not a politician, he's a demagogue. And demagogues aren't leaders, or effective.
Al Sharpton: The other candidates would answer questions with "My administration will..." or "As President...". Sharpton only did this once. He was fun to listen to, but kind of crazy and clearly not actually serious about actually winning. Carrie summed it up succinctly: he's running for the position of Jesse Jackson, which is to say, the moral voice of the black community.
Here's Dean getting a standing ovation. He was the only one to get an ovation this wholehearted; he clearly won over the crowd.

And this was me just being star-struck and excited to be within picture-taking distance:

And, as mentioned previously, Howard Dean has a weblog. (And you'll note on it that this week the good doctor is actually guestblogging his own self on Lessig's blog, and crossposting to the campaign blog.) 2:41:00 PM ()