Thursday, July 17, 2003
Perhaps they will call the two parts Kill and Bill.
I'm disappointed to hear that Kill Bill is going to be split. First, because the trailer looks awesome, and I'm hopeful that (unlike the eyeball-excavating Jackie Brown) it will be fun, and I don't want have to goddamn wait to see how it ends. Second, because Jackie Brown would have benefitted from being edited, and it sounds like this will too. C'mon, Harvey, back Quentin down! He needs it.
Oh, well, hope springs eternal. I mean, I went and saw LXG, didn't I? DIDN'T I? 11:07:36 AM ()
Star Wars Freak-Out Part The Thirty-Sixth
When I called Kevin yesterday to tell him that EB would have copies of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic at 7:30pm, and that only half of the copies had been reserved so far, he had just finished going to GameSpot where -- offered the same opportunity to reserve a copy and then return later -- he had decided to not bother. I mean, he didn't really need it last night, did he? Of course, I hadn't been planning on freakishly calling around to find a copy on the release day, because it wasn't like I didn't have stuff to do. But Kevin had mentioned he was going to go on a hunt, and that sounded like fun. Of course, Kevin wasn't planning on freaking out about the KOTOR release in the first place, but damn if I didn't keep talking it up, and extolling the virtues of my XBox. Of course, I wouldn't have been so excited about getting on the Bioware bandwagon once again, if Kevin hadn't been talking up the Neverwinter Nights release last year so much.
Anyway. You see how the cycle of geek enabling is a threat to our way of life. Because at 7:30pm last night, we were standing in line at EB, holding out our clammy zombie hands and saying "Gaaaames.... gaaaames...." And then it was back to the car, like a bat out of hell, trying to outrun the sluices of hell and get a few hours of gaming in before the power went out. (OK, it never went out... but it COULD HAVE.)
But in the few hours I've played of it, KOTOR rocks. It's pretty much as badass as every other Bioware game, which as any English schoolchild must now, is pretty damn badass. 10:46:09 AM ()
An Update For The Edification Of Our Movie-Going Readership
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was, regrettably, extraordinarily bad. As many others have pointed out, the foul stench of this moving picture was best demonstrated by their employment of a car chase in Venice. Which, as our discerning audience is doubtless aware, is possessed of no streets.
In fairness, there were a few times when I laughed. But most of those times weren't because they wanted me to laugh.
However, this did free me up to finally read the graphic novel of the same title, which happily (a) rocks, and (b) shares, by-and-large, absolutely no plot with the movie. 10:38:26 AM ()
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