In case you're one of the like six people who doesn't know it, Mozilla 1.0 is out. I haven't pounded on it a lot yet, but I've generally been happy with Mozilla since I first tried it at 0.99. Good job, guys!
Handy tip: this page tells you how to set up Mozilla for searching Google from the toolbar. (Note that you have to turn on the Internet Keywords from the Smart Browsing pref panel.)
I finally tried downloading a theme for Mozilla over the web (the tasty Orbit, which matches the ology dot org color scheme nicely). I was pleased to see that you can just click on the "install theme" link, and have the theme downloaded & installed within the browser. Sure, it's the right thing to do, but app developers don't always go the extra mile and do the Right Thing instead of the easy thing. 5:18:23 PM ()